Things and Stuff

Had a migraine yesterday. It was the first migraine I’ve had in 204 days. I’m quite proud of that streak, actually. It’s a lot longer than I ever imagined I’d go without having a migraine.

What caused the migraine? I was stupid and had caffeine three days in a row, with a couple of extra days thrown in just before that.

Bundles Galore!

Hey! Did you know that I’m currently in a bunch of story bundles? If you’re still looking for something to spend your hard-earned cash on, do I have some deals for you!

All covers for bundle

First off, the Nanowrimo writing tools story bundle.

This one has soooo many good books in it.


Collection of bundle covers

I’m currently in TWO story bundles! I’m so pleased and honored by this!

The first is the NaNo Writing tools bundle. It contains a bunch of non-fiction books to help you further your writing career. Sure, you may be in the middle of Nano currently, but I’d still grab this bundle, save it for when you’re finished.

A New BOGO Is Here!

Storybundle Covers

As y’all may or may not recall, I’m part of a story bundle right now. The Magic, Monsters, and Myths story bundle, to be precise.

If you’ve read any of my books, you know that I love magic. And monsters. As well as myths.

New Storybundle!

Storybundle Covers

Yay! I’m part of a new story bundle! The theme is near and dear to my heart – the Magic, Monsters, and Myth bundle.

While I write all over the map, my first love has always been fantasy. Also, though I write and read all sorts of fantasy, I have a special place in my heart for myths and fairy tales.

Accountability May 18

I haven’t lost any weight. I haven’t gained any either. Still taking that as a big win.

Am really leaning into the “intermittent” part of intermittent fasting. Generally, I don’t eat breakfast. But on the mornings after a lot of exercise, eating something earlier in the morning has turned out to be a Good Thing.

This, That, and The Other

In December and January, as well as other months in 2019, my meh days had a very obvious pattern. I would have a bad day, followed by an okay to good day, followed by another meh day, for six days, so three meh days interspersed with three good enough days, followed by a series of great days until my period.

Visions of the Future BOGO!

Soooooo – You’ve bought a copy of the Visions of the Future bundle, right? It contains some of my favoritest authors, like Ron Collins and Robert Jeschonek and oh yeah, that guy I’m married to, and others! All good!

BUT – if you need yet another incentive to purchase the bundle, I got you covered.…