I did have a migraine this week. I think. I’m counting it as a migraine, though I’m not 100% certain. It happened on the first day of my cycle, which is when I traditionally have a migraine. But it was a strange migraine.
Let me explain.
My sweetie had a cold all of last weekend, then I came down with it. So I was sick and I generally ached. Plus, I had a severe allergy attack, which left me even more congested, with even more of a sinus headache. However, I was slightly sensitive to light, which is why I rated it a migraine.
But the location was wrong—it was only behind my eyes. I didn’t have any pain across the back of my skull. While the headache was more on the right side of my head, I was primarily congested on the right side of my head due to how I’d been sleeping. Which makes me question whether it really was a migraine or not.
So that makes four migraines for the month of June—two due to allergic reaction to things, two due to menstruation cycle. That was also the number of migraines I had in May. Compared to twelve migraines in April, fifteen in March, etc.
In May, I had fourteen days with severe headache.
In June, I had six. (I had headaches on some of the days I was sick, but I’m not counting those, because I was all congested, which I believed led to the headache. If I hadn’t been sick, I wouldn’t have had a headache.)
This leads me to conclude that the diet, as well as all the other things I’m doing, are working. I am curing my chronic migraines.
This week, I’m recovering from being sick. (I know, I know. I should have rested. But I had things to do. Am resting today. Told my sweetie that he had my permission to sit on me if I moved from the couch and started working today.)
So probably not this week, but next week, I’ll try adding back in some sort of dairy. I want to be fully well before I try it, so I can be certain of my reaction. And this time, I’ll be smarter about it, and only try adding in one type of dairy at a time.
It still kind of sucks that I can’t do eggs anymore. I know there are substitutes for baking, but I rarely bake. I’d rather not eat them than get that sick again. Aversion therapy works for me.
I hope that for those who celebrate the fourth, that you’re having a safe and sane holiday! We’re out at the farm and not doing anything special. There’s always stuff to do out here, though. Like weeding, and hauling wood, and mowing, and trimming, and…