So it’s been an interesting week, health wise. I have been cycling between extremes pretty hard.

Last Friday, I was exhausted. Couldn’t really do much. Wrote because I’m just that stubborn.

However, I also figured that most of the exhaustion was situational, not hormonal.

Saturday night I went to the gym to get in my steps. After 25 minutes, I was hit with major cramps.


At first thought it was something I’d eaten. Wasn’t until I was sitting in the car that I realized that it was menstruation cramps.

Well, fuck.

Sunday was a Bad Day. Wrote anyway. But I had no brain. Major cramps. Swollen.

Monday, I was fine. Yay? Didn’t go walk, because I didn’t want to push it. Still had some level of cramps. But mostly okay.

Tuesday was a Bad Day. You’re seeing the pattern, yes? I had so little brain I actually worried my husband, which is something I try not to do. But as he said, I really shouldn’t have been left without adult supervision that day.

Wednesday was a good day. Fortunately, today, Thursday, appears to be a mostly good day as well.

Mind you, I still haven’t actually had my period yet. This is all premenstrual.

It reminds me of a year ago August, when I had seven periods in a single month. I would have that bad first day, brain fog and cramps, have a period for a day, maybe a day and a half, have a day or two of no bleeding, followed by yet another first day, with brain fog and cramps.

I’m wondering if this is just the new variation on that. Let me tell you, it sucks. It’s really difficult when I cannot rely on feeling good two days in a row.

This is why I need to set a different goal in terms of word count for next year. Sure, some months are going to be awesome. Then I’m going to have a week like this and it’s all going to get shot to hell.

Fortunately, I like the story I’m telling. I had to completely start over yesterday. In the first go at the story, I had started too far in the future. There was a past event that was coloring everything, and I realized I needed to actually write out that event. So I continue to look forward to the writing, even when I have no brain.

I am behind on everything. I just hope that I have enough days of feeling good enough that I can kinda sorta catch up.

What are you racing to get done today? My list is currently frightening. But I’m focusing on the most important things first (like writing my newsletter) and will take care of the rest as I can.