
As some of you may or may not know, I’ve had some issues with chronic migraines that FINALLY seem to be resolving. (The short version: have had migraines since I was 18. Went from 0-3 migraines a month to 12-15, suddenly and without warning.…

Revisiting rescheduling

I don’t know what hit me but it’s bad. Didn’t have any brain what so ever until about 4 PM today. Completely exhausted, took a 2 hour nap this AM, a second 1 hour nap this afternoon. Both times felt as though I’d just laid down for a minute and suddenly it’s hours later.…

A solitary life

I’ve been really good this week about getting up early and writing. The short story ended up being about 8500 words, and I wrote it all out by hand over four days.

This morning I could not wake up. It wasn’t that I was exhausted so much as I couldn’t get my brain to start.…


Sunday I moved all my stuff into the new house. It’s nice having all my stuff in the same place, for the first time since October of last year. Most of what I’m unpacking I look at and think, “Cool! I’m so glad that’s still in my life!”…

So about that thing

I know this isn’t the first time I’ve been sick since last year’s pneumonia. I had a cold at some point last year. But this is the first time I’ve been moderate-to-very sick. It started with a sore throat on Monday, and for the first 24 hours could barely manage a whisper.…