Old School for the New Year

As I think I’ve mentioned, I’ve been feeling stuck.

Tonight, I unstuck.

I have the next four days off. I’ve challenged myself to add another 10,000 words to the novel by the time I go back to the day job.

I decided to go back to my old process tonight, that is, writing everything out longhand then typing it up.…


I don’t get writer’s block. I really don’t.

I do, however, get stalled now and again.

Like now.

Did I write a 2500 word short story this weekend instead of working on the novel? That would be a yes.

See — stalled.…

Welling up

During the end of the six week challenge, as well as immediately afterward, I felt as though I’d lowered the level of water in the old creative well. I didn’t drain it — water was still in the well, if I’d needed it, I could have gone deep enough to get at it.…

Faster than a speeding bullet

After I finished writing yesterday, I figured out that one scene that I’d summarized in a paragraph really needed to be written out — about 1200 words. Wrote that tonight.

So here’s the official word count. I’m not where I wanted to be — wanted to write the first 2000 words of chapter eleven tonight.…