Three things make a post
NOTE: I am fine. Just bruised and battered.
Number 1:
I fell off a ladder this past Saturday. Got a bruise the size of my palm on my right butt cheek. My right knee was about twice the size as my left.…
NOTE: I am fine. Just bruised and battered.
Number 1:
I fell off a ladder this past Saturday. Got a bruise the size of my palm on my right butt cheek. My right knee was about twice the size as my left.…
I learned a new term this last week – BOGO – stands for Buy One, Get One (free, I’m assuming…)
So I’ve decided to put this term into use!
As some of y’all may have noticed, I’m part of a storybundle right now, the Women in Fantasy bundle.…
Like many writers, I create soundtracks for the novels I write.
Not every novel. But frequently.
The current novel, Spoiled Harvest has had a soundtrack for a very long time. Since the 2015 season of The Voice. (It has a lot of Sawyer Fredricks on it.)…
Yes! A new story bundle! And I’m in it!
It’s the Women in Fantasy story bundle, curated by Kristine Kathryn Rusch.
One of the things I love about this bundle is something Kris points out in her description:
…These writers build worlds, new worlds, worlds we’ve never seen before.