Free Fiction Monday — Prophesy in Shadows

Prophesy in Shadows On July 9th, my new novel, The Guardian Hound, is being published by Book View Cafe.

I continue to be excited about this.

In the five weeks leading up to the novel release, I plan on publishing a short story a week, and having each available for free for that week. All the stories are about the world or somehow involved with The Guardian Hound and the various clans.

This story is actually the first interlude of The Guardian Hound. It was second short story I wrote about the novel, when I was merely writing short stories, and not writing the novel yet.


Free Fiction Monday — Shadows’ Door

Shadows' Door On July 9th, my new novel, The Guardian Hound, is being published by Book View Cafe.

I am still incredibly excited about this.

In the five weeks leading up to the novel release, I plan on publishing a short story a week, and having each available for free for that week. All the stories are about the world or somehow involved with The Guardian Hound and the raven clan.

This story is actually the first chapter of The Guardian Hound. At the end of last year, I told myself that I was going to switch to writing a bunch of short stories, and not work on the next novel.

My muse thought she’d be sneaky and get around that by producing a series of short stories about the novel.

I gave in pretty quickly. This was actually the last of the stories I wrote.
