No, not a novel this time. The latest quilt!
It’s a scrap quilt, so 95% of the material in it was left over from other projects.
It was also a pain in the ass to finish.
Each one of those squares had to be cut individually. …
No, not a novel this time. The latest quilt!
It’s a scrap quilt, so 95% of the material in it was left over from other projects.
It was also a pain in the ass to finish.
Each one of those squares had to be cut individually. …
I made some progress on the new quilt! I sewed together sixteen of the smaller squares into a larger square. I think it’s really pretty. I’m very pleased.
I only have 79 more of these larger squares to make. There will be strips in between the larger squares when I assemble them.…
No, I haven’t finished the new novel. Or a short story. Or even anything writing related.
I sometimes, occasionally, do things other than write.
That picture? Up there? May not look like much. But it’s 1300 squares of scrap fabric, cut into 2 7/8″ squares, that I’m going to sew together into a quilt like this:
My quilt will look different because it will have very different colors.…