Last Friday, I finished the first draft of my seventeenth novel.
*boggles some more*
I must admit I love this age we live in, when I can write what I want and publish it and trust that readers will find it.…
Last Friday, I finished the first draft of my seventeenth novel.
*boggles some more*
I must admit I love this age we live in, when I can write what I want and publish it and trust that readers will find it.…
I just finished the last book in the trilogy, A Sword’s Poem!!!!!
The three combined are over 100,000 words. They will all grow significantly as well during the “make it not broke” phase, as all three are pretty broken currently.…
I was able to write The End tonight, finishing up the hand written draft of “The Guardian Hound.”
YAY! ::does happy dance::
Tomorrow night I have to type up what I wrote, about 3500 words or so.
Then I have the rest of the week, until Monday, to make the novel “not broke” as it were.…
Thirteen stories in thirteen weeks. And I had a blast doing it.
December 21st, 2012 hadn’t been the end of the world, only the Great Unraveling. The veils between the Seen and Unseen worlds shredded and the living suddenly found out they weren’t alone.…
Finished The Zydeco Queen and the Creole Fairy Courts this morning. Well, at least the handwritten part. I still need to type up the last three chapters.
I’m discontented. I don’t care for what I’ve done. I’m not sure how to fix this.…
I have finished the rewrite of the three novels! or at least this rewrite
Three things were key for me for this project:
1. Know thy process. By identifying what I was really afraid of, what had bogged me down before, I was able to figure out some strategies for overcoming them.…
I finished typing up the first draft of the third novel. Here’s the final, first draft, word count:
–Harp of Stars is about 102,000
–Harp of Light is about 90,000
–Harp of Fire is currently 92,275 words
I generally write short, second draft is generally 10-15% longer.…
I finished Harp of Fire this morning, the third novel in this trilogy. Or at least the handwritten part.
The current draft of chapter 17 is approximately 4800 words, but I also realized that I forgot to include something important in the middle of the chapter, and that will absolutely push it to over 5000 words when I type it up.…