I wrote 50K words during the month of October 2024.


The last time I managed that was October 2023. That was also the only month in 2023 that I wrote that much. The last year that I consistently wrote 50K per month was 2019.

I’d really like to get back to that. To regularly writing 50K per month.

I don’t think I’ll do it this month. I’ll be at Author Nation this year, which means one week of pretty much no writing. (I’m on four panels and hosting a meetup. Come see me if you’re going to be there!) In December, though I’ll be in Portland for a week, I do NOT intend on losing as much writing time. I need to keep writing even while I’m down there. I plan on negotiating time with my niece, taking myself to the nearby coffee shop, and writing for an hour or two every day I’m there.

My tracker says that based on the average number of words per day that I’ve written over the year, I’ll reach 340K by the end of the year.

My quick math this morning says that if I can write 40K in both November and December, I’ll reach 365K by the end of the year. It will be the least amount of words that I’ve written in quite a while. My current spreadsheet only shows totals going back to 2015. 2017, the year I built TH1, is the closest at 380K.

I’ve had years with lower word count. Like when I started out writing. I found a blog post from 2006, when I managed 67K for the entire year, though I’d had a goal of 100K. Yeah, I was a different writer when I started out. (I’ve done more than 67K during months when I’ve had marathons, now…)

As for next year, writing more is going to be a priority for me. I’d really, REALLY like to get back to 50K per month. If I can manage to stay healthy for the most part, I think I’ll be able to do it.

How is your writing going?