I’d been thinking about doing a general update for a few weeks, vacillating between writing an essay versus writing a blog post.

Then I went back and I realized that for the last couple of years, right around this time, I always did a general update.

So this is kind of a mix between a blog post and an essay, talking about what’s happening in my life in general.


I continue to see a lot of glare around lights. I think it’s decreasing, but only a little, and only sometimes. I really do need to go and make an appointment with a hypnotherapist to make sure that the glare does keep decreasing.

I still get depressed now and again that after my cataract surgery, I still need glasses. Because I was so angry and stubborn, I only got far-seeing glasses, when really, I should probably get bifocals. *le sigh* It would make my life easier. I’m still just so frustrated and angry about all of that.


I’m averaging five miles a day, as of this week. That’s about 12.5K steps per day, for me.

At the start of July, I was easily walking 10K steps per day. I’ve done that in the past. That’s pretty easy for me to do, even day after day.

I pushed and tried to go to 12.5K steps right away. It surprised me how much more effort that took. Just one extra mile per day made a tremendous difference.

So I backed off, took some time off, and slowly worked my way up. Last week I averaged 12K steps. This week, it was 12.9K, which is higher than the 12.5K I was aiming for, but I’ll take it. I’d just like to do around 12.5K for the rest of the year.

I want to make this such an ingrained habit that it’ll be easier next year to start tacking on miles.


I’m still on the carnivore diet. It’s still working well for me. I continue to have brain. My hormones feel as though they’re finally calming down.

Most importantly, I feel as though my health is finally back. I’m having good weeks for the first time in more than a year. Last summer, I could have a good week, but I never made it past ten good days. Over the winter, I was having two, maybe three good days in a row. Often, though, it was one good day followed by one bad day.

In July, I had THREE WEEKS of good days. It was utterly remarkable. And I keep having more and more good days.

Because of the walking, I feel as though I’ve gained some muscle. At the same time, I’ve lost some weight. Not enough, but some. I’m not focused on that yet. Maybe next month. In the meanwhile, I’m enjoying ALL THE MEAT.


I bought myself a Z-Grills pellet grill. OMG has it been fabulous. I’m enjoying it so much. It’s a whole new world for me to learn about and explore. It’s been particularly interesting because I have to make up my own rubs, sauces, marinades, etc. One of my favorites so far has been equal parts dark cacao powder, instant espresso powder, and black pepper, with a touch of cinnamon and brown sugar.

This week, I’m making a BBQ sauce that will be AIP-compliant—no peppers or nightshades. I’m using rhubarb as a base. In addition, I have some Lapsang Souchong tea, which is a smoked black tea that’s supposed to impart a smoky flavor to things. I’ll be grinding that into a powder and adding it to rubs.

So far, I’ve been experimenting with a lot of brisket (as it’s been half-price at the grocery store). I’ve also been doing steaks and pork chops. This week, I’ll experiment with some chicken.

(Possibly the grill’s name is Bobby, named after Bobby Flay. It does not have googly eyes or racing stripes on it. Yet.)


I was supposed to do a half-marathon in July. That failed due to a combination of three different life events hitting me on the Wednesday of that week. There wasn’t anything I could do about it, except roll with the punches, be gentle with myself, and recognize that sometimes, things just aren’t meant to be.

I tried writing more the following week (which was this past week) but that didn’t work either. There were days when I didn’t have time, and on the days when I did have time, life happened. I’m still hoping to finish the current novel next week. I just need a couple of regular writing days with a couple of really good writing days to get it done.

After this novel, I’m going back to the science fiction novel series that I started last year.


We have a new Kickstarter coming soon. (Kickstarter is Live!https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/corsacfox/corsac-fox-volume-2-mistaken-identity)

I’ll have a storybundle starting next week.

September, I’m completely revamping the Knotted Road Press store, moving it from WooCommerce to Shopify.

October, I’m running a Kickstarter for the first three books in the Water Witch mysteries.

Plus in October, I’m doing an actual BIG RELEASE on a book. (A Dragon’s Guide to Killing Gods and Other Lies…) I’ve never done a big release on a book, with planned advertising, etc. It’s a cozy fantasy. We’ll see how it goes if I can make a splash with a book or not.

Then the holidays are upon us. We aren’t going anywhere this year, but hopefully, there will be parties to go to and friends to gather with.

I think that’s all the updates from me for now.

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