For those of you playing along at home, I need eye surgeries to get my cataracts replaced. I was finally able to talk with the scheduler this week.
My doctor told me frankly that he had a big problem with his scheduler, that I was going to have to call her in order to get the surgeries set up. I tried calling. Three days in a row. I put the phone on speaker while I did other things FOR AN HOUR each time and no one picked up.
Finally, someone called me back this week. She let me know right away that she was brand new. It appears that the old scheduler no longer works there. I figure that’s why no one was answering the phone.
Both of my surgeries will occur in March. Specifically, March 14th for the first eye, and March 28th for the second eye.
Poking around on the internets, it appears that I’ll be able to use my eye fairly quickly after surgery, as long as nothing goes wrong. I shouldn’t do anything strenuous like working out or yoga, or inverting my head. And I can’t drive for a couple of days. However, I believe I’ll be able to use the computer within a day or so.
That’s really been my concern, that I won’t be able to write. Rest assured that I will follow whatever my doctor says in regards to resting and I won’t push. These are my eyes and I will baby them and take care of them.
I won’t learn what time my surgery is until the hospital calls two business days beforehand. That means the Friday before each surgery I should get my schedule.
I will admit to being a little freaked out about the whole situation. On the one hand, I’m really tired of not being able to see the screen. That’s just a pain and it makes it difficult to write. On the other hand, eeek. It’s my eyes. I know it’s the most common surgery in the US. I know that I have a great doctor, voted the best eye surgeon in Seattle for the last several years. I’m still…concerned.
We’re rearranging our schedule some. I had planned on doing a Kickstarter in April, to celebrate the 20 year anniversary of the original publication of my first novel, Paper Mage. However, we’re pushing it off a month. Even if I can use the computer right away after surgery, my head is not going to be in the right place. I don’t want to put that sort of pressure on myself when I have these health issues to deal with.
I reserve the right to change my mind. It might be that I spend all of March doing Kickstarter stuff and I’ll be ready to launch the campaign in April. May not, though. Either way, I’m trying to go about it in a manner that isn’t stressful.
And speaking of Kickstarters—I have another one to tell you about! This is for an anthology that I’m a part of, run by my friend Dayle A. Dermatis.
Not only is there the original anthology, of all original fiction by some AMAZING authors, there’s a SECOND anthology of stories about secrets as well! Go and check it out, and consider backing and supporting.