Day Five! Final Marathon Day! 8000 words, 5000 steps.
I didn’t sleep last night. The chart that my Fitbit produces was just ugly, filled with red lines of all the time I was awake. I honestly think it was just because I was so warm all night.
So this morning, I made the decision early to jettison the steps. There was no way in hell that I was going to be able to walk 10,000, not feeling as I did.
It was so slow going this morning as well. I’ve been writing 1500 words per hour pretty much every hour since the start of the marathon. This morning, I was struggling to get even 1000 in an hour.
I still managed 4000 before I broke for lunch. I had my second coffee, and eventually that seemed to kick in. I was maintaining a pretty good pace until I reached 7700 words. Then everything slowed to a crawl. I’d hit the wall.
I pushed forward to 8000, but then I called it quits. Possibly I could take a long break then go back and get the last 2000 words in. However, I’d be stealing spoons from tomorrow to do it, and it just isn’t necessary.
So the novel is now at 48000 words. There are at least another 4000 words to go. Probably more. I’ll finish the novel next week, which was always the plan.
I’m really glad I did this marathon. I feel good about what I accomplished. In particular, the fact that even though I was afraid I didn’t have enough stamina to pull it off, I still managed to do it.
This wraps up yet another marathon for me! I may do yet another one before the end of the year. Will have to look at the calendar and figure it out.
Now, time for some well-earned rest.