Even though I worked on writing every day last week, I don’t have a high word count. I am trying to be okay with that. I spent time instead going through the existing novels for the series that I’m about to start again.
Fingers crossed, I will still get 40,000 words done this month. I’m at 34K so far. If I can get back to 3000 words a day, 6000 words before the end of the month shouldn’t be too hard. We’ll see.
As for walking, averaged 6.5 K steps per day. My goal had been between 7000 to 7500 steps per day. Maybe this week I’ll do more.
I’m a bit concerned because the back of my knee is all swollen up. When I had the knee replacement, the surgeon assured me that the Baker’s cyst would no longer bother me. However, it sure seems as though that cyst is filling with fluid again. I will contact my doctor today to ask about it.
For a few days last week, I had no pain in my hands. It was amazing. Then the pain came creeping back. I am hoping that this is a sign that the flare up I have been having is gradually going away. I would be very happy if all of the pain in my hands went away.
However, I am aware that this flare up is a window into the future. At some point, the pain will be even worse than it has been. At that point I will do surgery. Not before. I’ve been told that the surgery to take care of this issue is worse than knee surgery. I do not want to do that again soon.
As for your email, I was not consistent this week. That is always a problem. I need to get to my email every single day. Even when I’m having a bad day. So my goal this week is to at least get to my email every day.
I am excited about getting back into writing a novel. I am also pleased about getting back into this series. These books make me laugh out loud. Plus each character has such amazing Voice. When I went back through the three existing novels, there was very little that I had to add or change. I was having fun. There is one character thread that I am still considering. I brought it up in book one, and never did anything with it in books two or three. I either have to add material for it, or drop it. I haven’t decided which yet.
In other news, I have finally gotten the heat to work correctly in TH2. Before, the heat would run all the time. And while I enjoy having a warmer place, it was frequently too warm here. Now, I have the heat working the way it’s supposed to, and my house is no longer too warm or too cold. I don’t want to say that it stressed me out when it wasn’t working right. But it was always a niggling worry in the background.
Tell me something that is going right in your world. While I continue to have some bumps in the road, there are also some things that are just lovely right now.