I started walking more this last week. Averaged 6300 steps per day. Goal was 5900. Ooops? Goal this week is supposed to be 6300. However, last Monday I walked 8000+ steps, and Tuesday did about the same, so that really pushed my average over the top.

For the first few days I wasn’t sure if 400 extra steps per day was too much. My knee hurt. But was it hurting in a bad way, or just in a “hey, we haven’t exercised in a while” way?

Turned out to be the latter, after I rested for a couple of days, going back to a more normal number of steps (for me, so only around 5300).

Though it takes time, and effort, I can already tell that my body is happier with more activity. I’ve been much more focused on my diet as well, and that also makes my body happy.

Given my normal diet, I probably won’t officially be back in ketosis until after I start walking 7000 steps or more per day. That’s okay. I haven’t been focused on being in keto since the surgery. It’s coming, though.

One other thing I’ll mention – I changed my hormones around a little, so I’m taking more progesterone at night, less estrogen, then reversing that in the AM, more estrogen, less progesterone. Over all, it’s about the same amount I’ve been taking for the last couple of years. However, just that small shift has made a tremendous difference to my sleep. I’m still a light sleeper. I still wake up regularly, but now, I fall back asleep quickly.

Getting good sleep on a regular basis is fabulous. There are still some nights when I don’t sleep. But now it’s more like one night out of ten that I don’t sleep, instead of two nights out of five.

I wrote 14K words last week. I’m really pleased with that. That’s more than I wrote some months last year. So I feel as though at least in that regard, 2022 is off to a good start. Even if I’m still a week behind in so many other areas.

This week is a writing week. If I was up for it, I’d do a writing marathon. So not up for writing 10K words per day, though.

Instead, I’m going to write 5000 words per day Tuesday through Friday. Or at least something like that. I have a bunch of short stories to write, and was planning on writing a bunch of them in January. So if I only write 3000 but I finish a short story, that will be good enough for the day because I’ll spend the rest of the time thinking about the next story.

Or doing publishing/business work. I have a lot of that to do in January. Today, as soon as I finish this blog (and eating my equivalent of breakfast) I’m going into the coffee shop to work for the rest of the day, focusing on business and publishing. That way, I won’t feel as stressed focusing just on the writing when I’m still a week behind.

The last week of January I’ll just focus on business things. I’ll still write in the mornings, but I won’t be publishing anything. Instead, I’ll worry about taxes, I’ll do filing, bank account stuff, etc.

I’ll also get to read. I have business articles that I’ve saved, that I’ve always wanted to read, and have never found the time. Setting aside a week for business means I will have more time for education. That really excites me about having a business week every month.

As for email, I’ve gotten two of my three inboxes down to much more reasonable levels, going from 300+ emails in each inbox down to 30. I still have one more inbox to clean out.

Then I’ll whittle down the rest of the emails, that all require time. My goal is to get every inbox as close to zero as I can by the end of the month.

And then keep them that way.

I guess that’s about it for me at this point. It’s been raining here, melting away the snow. There’s still large patches of snow gathered in the front yard, but a lot of it is gone (yay). I’m still kinda gun shy about making plans. I do feel as though I’m making progress in my tentative planning. How about you? How are your plans, or not plans, going?