Yay! Yay! Yay!
Stories about cats! LOTS of stories about cats!
And I wrote one of them!
If you like cats, and you like stories about cats, well, this bundle is for you. There are all sorts of cats here. Magical cats. Mysterious cats. Even science fiction-y cats.
Seriously. This bundle is just a delight. So many cats and so many cat stories!
Plus, there are four books in this bundle that are exclusive to the bundle. You won’t be able to pick them up anywhere else. That includes mine. (At this point, the book is scheduled to be published in November. But surely you don’t want to wait that long!)
In addition, this bundle supports a charity – AbleGamers. Their theme: Combating Social Isolation Thru Play. They help people with disabilities gain access to games, thereby building communities and helping individuals. It’s a win-win!
So go and get your copy of the bundle today! Because like those beams of sunshine that our cats are so fond of sleeping in, this bundle won’t last forever.
And just because…
Here is a picture of my princess, looking imperiously at you, expecting you to go and get the bundle now.