The weight continues to go down. Not in a steady fashion, but at least it’s generally going in the right direction. I’m not going onto the CarbManager website every day and accounting for every calorie I eat. I am, however, still very conscious about everything I’m eating, as well as trying not to overeat. As long as the weight continues to go down, I don’t have to report everything. Believe me, that’s a big motivation.

Writing last week was hard. I’m not sure if that’s due to the story I’m working on, brain chemicals being funky, or just general distraction/too much going on. I’m still writing every day. There was one day when I didn’t write in the AM. I was lying in bed, about to go to sleep, when I remembered. So I got up and I wrote 250 words on the current story.

I did about 5K words last week. That’s okay. I accounted for this when I planned for my year. 500 words per day is actually my goal, which is 3500 words for the week. That I did better is awesome.

I walked a lot last week. Close to 8K per day. That probably helped with the weight loss. This weekend was a bust, but I did over 10K more than one day. My knee could feel it as well. I also spent more time icing/heating/babying my knee. It’s a lot less swollen (finally!)

Weekend before last, I went to a birthday party. Everyone there was vaccinated. It was nice, though I was pretty overwhelmed by the end of it. I’ve completely forgotten how to be social. My Fitbit shows my heart rate through the night. It didn’t drop down below my regular resting heart rate until 3 AM. It just takes me so long to unwind from social affairs now.

I don’t know when I’ll get used to being social again. It took so long to get there the first time. Maybe next year, cause it’s not going to happen this year. I am still going back to see my family for Christmas. Supposedly I’m going to two conventions this year. We’ll see if either of those actually happen.

This week, there’s supposed to be another heat wave coming through. Even with that, I’ll still probably get in a lot of activity in the mornings, when it’s still cool enough outside.

I have some construction going on currently. Last week, talking with the plumber, he wasn’t going to come back until after “the sparky” did a few things.

In context, it was clear that he was referring to my electrician as “the sparky.”

I wasn’t sure if that was an insult or sly remark – did he know the guy and not like him?

This morning, I was on a home renovation site reading through the comments and saw similar remarks. Evidently, plumbers in general call electricians “sparky”.

I did not know that this was thing.

But now I *really* want to know what electricians call plumbers. Pipey? Wrench? It’s gotta be something good.

What new thing have you learned recently that delighted you?