A while back, I mentioned that I needed to up my smoothie game. As part of that plan, I went ahead and indulged myself by purchasing a Vitamix blender.
I had not realized that I had a texture issue when it came to smoothies. I have so few texture issues when it comes to food. It hadn’t even occurred to me.
The Vitamix makes all the difference in the world in terms of texture. It really liquifies all the veggies I put in. Which makes the smoothie much more drinkable for me.
I haven’t always been successful in my smoothie recipes. I tried adding an almond butter cinnamon mix to one and it just turned really bitter. I still drank it anyway. But I promised myself that if I ever made one that bad again, I wouldn’t have to. I could throw it out and start from scratch.
I’ve been really successful in some of my other recipes. For example, the smoothie I had yesterday. I added a couple of tablespoons of both lemon and lime juice, as well as 10 mint leaves. The sweet for the smoothie came from a quarter of an apple. The rest was all veggies, such as:
2 cups of leafy greens
Suggested serving size of my kale powder (one large scoop)
A half cup of the following:
Red cabbage, cauliflower, cucumber, bok choy, celery
1 1/2 cups of water
1 T avocado oil
It makes a *lot* of smoothie. At least 32 oz. But man, it’s tasty.
I’ve also been trying a super greens powder from Paleo Valley. By itself, I figure it’s about the equivalent of one small salad. I need three serving’s worth to get the greens I need. I’ve tried it by itself with just water and avocado oil. I’ll probably only use it when I want a break from regular smoothies, or when I’m traveling and need quick greens.
Overall, I’m really happy with getting the new machine, and what I’ve been able to make with it so far. I look forward to using it with some other recipes at some point. There’s a vegan cheese sauce that I want to try making again because this is the machine to handle it. (It’s a nacho cheese dip. The secret ingredient? Potatoes. You whip potatoes too much and they turn gooey and sticky. Kinda like cheese…)
I’m still looking to expand my smoothie repertoire. Haven’t figured out exactly what I need for a chocolate smoothie. Will save that for a day when I care less about my carbs. Regular days, I add vanilla to them, which makes them lovely. And I change fruits all the time. Mostly berries, but the occasional apple as well. And at least once I’ll do peaches…
So I consider my smoothie investment a success.
What have you invested in recently, that’s gone well for you?