It’s the middle of the year, and time to check and see how people are doing! Remember those goals you set at the start of the year? How are you doing in regards to them? Do you need to keep going? Or is it time to change things up?
I had three major areas for goals this year: writing, business, and the cleverly titled, “other” goals.
However, I also approached this year knowing that my schedule and my systems would change mid-year once the construction started.
For writing, I’m behind schedule. Very behind schedule. I should be at 300K for the year to date. I’m only at 257K, so I’m 43K behind, if I’m going to make 460K for the year.
There’s a chance that it’ll be okay, if only because I haven’t had to spend as much time doing the construction so far. I’ll be able to write more words this month that originally planned. If I can keep doing that, I should be okay.
Plus, I also have some things coming up this fall, like knee surgery. I’m hoping that I’ll be able to write a lot while I’m sitting on my butt and unable to get up and do much.
I have been writing every day, and I do take that as a win.
In terms of “other” goals, I’m not walking 10K per day, even though I know that’s what my body prefers. 10K is distinctly *not* what my knee prefers. I’m managing between 5-7K per day, and that’s as good as I can do at this time.
Email continues to be a bugbear. I do better sometimes, then I fall back into bad habits. At least I’m usually getting to email every day. I did clean up one of my three inboxes, but that’s it.
Diet – this is where I’m going to make the biggest change. I went looking for pre-operation knee replacement exercises that I should start doing. Uhmmm…Most of those appear to be for people who aren’t in anywhere near as good a shape as I am. Plus, I already do a bunch of these.
I will talk with the surgeon on Tuesday. But I honestly believe that the best thing I can do for my knee pre-surgery is to get my weight back down. There will be more on this later.
Then, there’s the business side. I bought this marvelous planner and a new white board and for the first 4-5 months of the year, I had a really good system that worked for me.
Now – it’s kind of stopped working. And I understand why. Part of why I need to track things is so that I’ll give myself “credit” for doing them. When I don’t, I start to call myself “lazy” because I feel as though I’m not doing anything, when, in fact, I’m doing a lot.
Part of the planner is a weekly page where you can track five habits daily. That was so wonderful at the start of the year. It really helped me develop some good habits.
But now, those habits are pretty ingrained. Tracking them feels like work, instead of credit.
Therefore, I need to figure out what other habits I need to develop, and start tracking those instead. I have some ideas, but I don’t know for certain yet. I’ll ponder this for a while and figure out something, with the understanding that it’ll probably all change again come October.
So that’s my mid-year check in. How are you doing? What adjustments are you making, if any?