I’m currently in TWO story bundles! I’m so pleased and honored by this!
The first is the NaNo Writing tools bundle. It contains a bunch of non-fiction books to help you further your writing career. Sure, you may be in the middle of Nano currently, but I’d still grab this bundle, save it for when you’re finished. I strongly believe that it’s really important to keep learning, always. There are books in this bundle that I’m going through, just because I want to see what else I can do. What more I can learn.
And you know that you can pick up all these books for cheap, right? Storybundle enables you to purchase 17 books for only $20.
That’s a bargain. Seriously.
In addition, you could toss in a couple more dollars. Support Challenger Center, the charity that we’re supporting with this bundle. They use space-themed learning to inspire students to pursue a STEM career.
The second bundle is a fiction bundle: The Twist of the Knife.
These are mysteries. But not just thrillers, or historic, or cozies. Nope. These are all of the above! You have cozies in here. You have thrillers. You have historic. You have private eyes. You even have a couple of collections of short mystery tales, and some that are exclusive to this Storybundle!
Again, this is a bargain in terms of reading. 10 novels for just $15.
Such a bargain.
And again, there’s a charity. AbleGamers, which enables people with disabilities to play video games, to do what the rest of us do and take for granted.
Just be aware – both bundles will disappear in a short while.
So go pick up both bundles today! Improve your writing and expand your reading.