Hey! Did you know that I’m currently in a bunch of story bundles? If you’re still looking for something to spend your hard-earned cash on, do I have some deals for you!
First off, the Nanowrimo writing tools story bundle.
This one has soooo many good books in it. Like creating better villains. (I’ve read this one and it’s remarkable.) Writing better blurbs for your books. Writing better fiction. All about audio books for authors. And even a pop-up series of classes, how your writing business can survive the downturn.
Seriously. This is one heck of a writing tools bundle. But like all good things, this can’t last. You need to go and get your copy sooner rather than later.
Then, there’s the Twist of a Knife mystery story bundle. Ten fantastic books for a low price. There should be something for everyone here. Short stories. Cozies. Private eyes. Historical. Even assassins. I believe that there are some people who will be doing BOGOs for this bundle as well. So you should get yours now!
Last but not least is the Space Opera Odyssey bundle. This is your adventure reading, right here. Enough thrills and chills to escape even the doldrums of everyday life. Even this year. Lots of worlds to dive into deeply. Monsters and space pirates to meet. Criminals and snarking space captains.
This one just looks like a lot of fun. I haven’t had a chance to read the books in here yet, but I’m really, really looking forward to it.
And yes, this bundle will end shortly as well. You should help out some indie authors this week, if you can.
So if you want some really good reading, as well as some fine writing and publishing career advice, I’d pounce on all three of these story bundles now, while they’re still around.