Weight has remained steady. This is good. I’m only about 5 pounds over my goal weight. This week is Thanksgiving. Next week is my birthday. Quite honestly, if I can keep this weight until the end of the year, I’m good. Every year before this, I’ve gained a lot more weight over the holidays. Going to concentrate on not doing that this year.

I walked 10K steps four days last week. Ended up with an average of 9.5K steps per day. It does mean I’m walking in the rain with my umbrella, but I can do that. I can’t go to a gym and walk. And at this point, I’m not sure I’m ever going back to a gym. I’ve figured out how to get 10K steps in without resorting to going to one.

I wrote 14.5K words last week. I am caught up in terms of Nano. I will get my 50K this month, then just have to do it again in December. If I can do that, I’ll have 600K for the year.

Every 16 days, I make bacon liver pate. Or rather, bacon offal. We grind together several pounds of different types of offal together, then freeze it in one pound chubs.

As it is Thanksgiving and turkey time, at least here in the states, I have been picking up more offal. In particular, turkey liver and gizzards. We went to a local co-op this weekend, and also picked up lamb heart and liver. The next big batch of offal is gonna be interesting.

The other find at the co-op (PCC for those who are local) was breadcrumbs that I can eat! Olivia Superfree is the brand. I can eat pretty much anything they make.

Breadcrumbs might not sound like much. We’re going to use them in the stuffing.

However we bought two bags, so I have croutons for my salads.


I haven’t had croutons that I could eat since 2009. They make such a nice addition to my salad! I’m tempted to go and buy another bag while they’re still available and throw it into the freezer, just so I can have croutons again later. We’ll see.

As I have a big-ass salad almost every day, it’s important to me that it tastes different every day. I do that several ways: texture, ingredients, and flavor.

Somedays I have a crunchy salad, with no lettuce. Other times I have a salad that’s almost all greens. The different textures is important.

I have started making my own salad dressings. I generally have between six to eight different kinds on hand. Then, I never have a single type on a salad. I’ll blend two or three together.

I generally try to have one different ingredient in my salads every week. Last week it was a red pepper. This week, I’ll add orange slices. Next week, who knows? Maybe an apple, maybe a tomato. We had a small serving of lobster that I put on my salads for a week. That was yummy.

I also change my protein weekly. I have good ground pork from the half a pig that we bought this fall. The ground pork has no seasoning in it. So when I cook it, I get to season it however I want. I’ve done a more Italian seasoning, as well as a more fennel based and garlic based. Plus when we have extra chicken I might have a salad with that on it, and this week I’ll have turkey, etc.

Do you eat the same thing every day? How do you make it different enough for yourself?