I lost weight last week. I really wasn’t sure if that would happen or not. Due to the dental surgery, I was on a liquid diet all week. But I also didn’t walk much. Still, weight loss is a good thing.

I averaged 4.7K steps per day last week. Again, not surprising. Kind of planned on it. Will get back up to 9K average this week, I figure.

Didn’t write much last week. Only managed about 3000 words. But that’s better than nothing, and I really was out of it for a few days.

I kept telling my sweetie that it felt like the words were peeking around a corner, but they weren’t there yet. Yesterday, I wasn’t planning on writing. But I sat down and suddenly, boom! There were words. Wrote about 1400 of them, then I hit a wall so hard I bounced. Still not sure what was up with that. Took me most of the day to recover.

I’ve finished taking the antibiotics yesterday. Should take a day or two for my system to heal from that. I’ve been having yogurt every day, as well as kombucha, so hopefully it isn’t too out of whack.

It’s supposed to be nice today – merely cloudy – but then raining again off and on the rest of the week. I’d hoped I’d be able to spend a lot more time in the yard this week. We’ll see.

One of the hardest things about this last week was having to eat breakfast in the morning. Unless I’ve been doing a lot of physical activity the day before, I’m just not hungry in the mornings. Plus, it’s kind of a pain in the ass. I’m happy that this morning I get tea first, before anything, instead of trying to cram food down my throat so that I can take my antibiotic.

I used to eat breakfast regularly, but it’s always been later in the morning. When I lived in the city, I’d regularly get up, go and walk a mile, do my yoga, then finally take a shower, feed the kitty, then feed myself.

One of my favorite breakfasts, which I still miss, was preparing a green salad – mostly spinach, maybe some cheese or some cabbage. Then I’d soft boil a couple of eggs, so they were still very runny. I’d toss those into the salad, letting the yolks be the creamy, warm dressing for the most part.

There’s really no substitute for that. Eggs still give me hives. I will do wilted spinach, cooked in butter, with garlic and lemon, as a side dish for dinner.

But now I need to stop talking about food or I will be getting hungry! And I’d really like to get back into the habit of noting to eat until 10 or 11 AM.

I have a lot to do this week. For now, I get to go write. Words make me happy.

What are you doing this week for yourself? To make you happy?