Yay! Yay! Yay! I’m in a story bundle! And it’s a cool one. Not to imply that the other story bundles aren’t cool. But this one is kinda near and dear to my heart.
You see, I *love* the write stuff bundle every year. There are always new books in it that I haven’t read. (And this year, five that *you* haven’t read either, as they’re exclusive to the bundle!)
There’s always so much to learn. And I’m really looking forward to reading some of these books, such as Robert Jeschonek’s book on interns. Or Chrissy Wissler’s book on writing when you have kids. Not because I ever plan on having kids, but I love Chrissy’s writing so much, I’m looking forward to reading her book and to listening to her wisdom. I’m fascinated by Thorn T. Coyle’s book on magic for improving creativity. Etc.
There is SO MUCH GOOD STUFF here.
But not just books! You also get a lecture from Dean about overcoming procrastination.
AND, if all that wasn’t enough, you are also helping out a charity, AbleGamers. AbleGamers makes it possible for people with disabilities to participate in the world of online gaming, by providing everything from equipment personalized for each person’s needs to advice to the game developers on how to make their entertainment accessible. Online gaming isn’t just about relaxation and fun. It also provides support and a large community for players, and is especially important to people who are house- or bedbound. And right now, everyone needs a little more support.
So go and get your own copy of The Write Stuff, 2020. You’ll be glad you did.