I read an article recently by a guy who wanted to read more. (I am not linking to it because he also said stuff in it the pissed me off so much I keep coming back to, “Fuck you and the horse who rode you in.”)
Something that I’ve always known, but I don’t feel I’ve ever expressed clearly, was that the only way you can affect change in your life is by becoming someone new, someone who does X or no longer does Y.
In order to read more, this guy had to start identifying himself as a reader. Reading was what he did. He got rid of all the apps on his phone and started carrying his kindle in his bag everywhere he went. He read more last year than he had in the previous two years combined.
So I’ve been thinking about this and not about the other things that this asshole claimed. (Still makes me go grrrrr.) I, too, would like to read more. Do I need to get rid of some of the games that I play on my phone?
This past weekend, I was trying to figure out the next project I was going to work on. One of the things I did while trying to figure out what was going to pass the giggle test was to sit on the couch with the kitty and play games on my phone.
When I was thinking about removing the games on my phone, writer brain chimed in pretty hard, saying, “But I USE that time!”
Seems that the games provide me with a similar enough experience I get when I’m staring out the window. Something else has the majority of my attention, and my back brain happily uses that time to do plotting, character, etc.
I have cut back on how much I play those games on my phone. Generally speaking, I don’t play them that often during the day, and it’s just in the evening when I get pretty sucked in.
I’ve been going to the gym much later in the day recently, 7 PM or so. When I get home, I tend to change from my gym clothes right into my PJs. On the one hand, I’m so comfy. It’s a lovely reward for having gone to the gym. On the other hand, I’m no longer doing much work in the evenings.
The last few days I’ve been reading when I get back from the gym. I have a lovely collection of mystery short stories I’m reading. I find that I’ll finish a particularly good story then sit and think about it for a while. Because I’m not doing this for a class and I don’t have a huge TBR pile with a date attached, I have that luxury of time.
So I’m not currently changing my identity to be someone who no longer plays games on her phone. I am reading more. As well as writing.
What have you changed lately? How did it change how you view yourself?
PS. ALSO! I’m in a story bundle at this time, Visions of the Future. I’d appreciate it if you’d go look at the bundle, consider buying it and supporting me and my art. “Origins: Huli Intergalactic” is the novel in the bundle, and it’s something I’m really proud of.