My weight has remained the same, which, yay! I might have a handle on this, at least during more “normal” weeks. This weekend will present a challenge, as we’re going to Orycon and will be eating out a lot. We’ll see what next Monday brings. However, I feel much more confident now that even if I have a blow out over the weekend, that I’ll be able to get my weight back down in a week or so.
I’ve been going to the gym regularly. Last week kind of sucked with the migraine, but I still went four days last week, which I’m taking as a win. Will probably only get there four days this week as well, however, we will walk (a lot) at the con, and so chances are I won’t have any difficulty getting in 10K steps.
In writing news, this weekend, I passed 615K words. This is the most that I’ve ever written in a given year. Last year I wrote 614K.
I figure I’m on track, at the very least, to reach 715K. I won’t hit 750K. I need to be okay with that. Next year, I won’t try for 750K, not unless something changes radically in my life and I suddenly have more time to write.
I don’t see that happening in the short term. In the long term, that is absolutely where I want to get to. I want to have more time to write. I’ve spent a lot of time working through my processes lately, and the truth of the matter is that I’m already really busy, as well as really productive. We just need to keep moving things off my plate.
Not happening next year, as I have a fairly big project that’s starting midyear, that will have a lot of prep time, as well as take more of my time every month.
The good news is that I’m not panicking when I starting thinking about that. The new production process continues to work well for me.
Fingers crossed, I’m going to finish the current novel before I go to the con. Because while I might be able to write the first morning, after that, I’m just too tired. While I might be able to force myself, writing no longer is enjoyable. We’ll see where I am with the novel, and if I need to give myself an extra day to finish it or not.
After that – I have a couple of short pieces I need to write. Then, I don’t know. I don’t know which novel I’ll do after that. But I’ll write at least one more novel this year, health willing.
And I guess that’s it for me this morning. How close are you to your year long goals? What are the new goals you’ve started thinking about?