Yesterday, I was in the middle of making a smoothie for lunch when suddenly my heart started pounding in my chest.

What the hell?

Of course, I was worried that I was having a heart attack. But no. It was just my stupid hormones that decided to flood my body with adrenaline.

There was no reason for it. I was measuring out blueberries, trying to decide if I could add just one more berry to the measuring cup or if I already had enough.

Was anxious and panicky for the rest of the day. Had a glass of wine with dinner which really helped. Now, I’m not about to start self-medicating with alcohol. That’s a very slippery slope, particularly given the amount of alcoholism in my family.

I am much better this morning. Maybe a sliver of panic remains.

I had issues writing yesterday morning. I also couldn’t concentrate when I was doing yoga. Are these related? Pre-symptoms, as it were? Don’t know. They might just be things unto themselves. But I’ve noted them down.

Am at a coffee shop this morning, because I don’t want to take a chance that I don’t write today.

I find it worrisome that I’ve had panic/anxiety two months in a row. This is not a good sign. I will be setting up an appointment with my naturopath before the end of September, my annual checkup. I’ll ask him if there’s anything he would recommend. I’ve been taking extra vitamin B which was supposed to help with the anxiety. Not sure it’s actually doing anything, though. Or possibly it is helping. Won’t know until I stop taking it and test. Not doing that anytime in the near future.

I mentioned a shift in my schedule. I need to be hard core keto for the next week plus, until my period starts, which could be 7 to 14 days from now. That means not only healthy food, but exercise. On days when I’m not mowing or working in the yard, I’m going to the gym. Goal is going to be 10K steps those days.

I’m most successful going to the gym if I get up early and do it first thing. I hate being on a schedule like that. I really don’t feel as if I have any choice right now. On the mornings I know I’m not doing yard work, when I can, I’m getting up early and walking.

The food part is going to be a touch more challenging, as we’re traveling some of next week. I’ll figure it out.

I hope that you’re looking forward to a wonderful weekend. Tell me about a sudden realization you’ve had recently.