And so it begins…
Welcome to my next grand experiment!
Over the next 42 days, I will be serializing Circle of Air, an urban fantasy novel, the first of The Witch’s Progress series. I will be posting between 1000-2000 words every other day or so. So there will be short posts from me here, mentioning that the next installment has been loaded. A lot of them. (^_^)
Book two (Circle of Fire) is already available for preorder, and will be generally available October 21st The Witch’s Progress is a four book series. Book three (Circle of Water) will be available November 21st, and the final book (Circle of Earth) will be available December 21st. All books will be available for preorder soon!
Why am I trying this? I’d like to keep driving traffic to my website. I’d like more people to sign up for my newsletter. I’d also like to sell more books. I like this series. I think other people will as well.
Here’s the blurb for Circle of Air.
Tara seems like a perfectly normal person. She works two jobs to cover the rent. Her boss and her co-workers exploit her good nature so she ends up working even more. And of course she constantly studies so she can pass into the next circle of witchcraft.
Then a stranger visits “Ye Olde Magick Shoppe”–not the tourist section at the front of the store, but the section at the back that only the real witches and beings of power use. He carries with him the smell of the river, the sound of the gulls, the taste of salt air.
And the feel of wet ropes, dragging Tara down beneath the water.
Circle of Air–the first book in a new urban fantasy series The Witch’s Progress–brings you into the slightly twisted heart of old Portland and the magical battles that happen even among friends.
You’ll find the first installment here: