I was joking with a friend yesterday about the glamorous life that I lead…
First off, I have lovely birds that I enjoy watching. There are lots of chicks right now. OMG baby chickadees, which are just tiny puffballs of attitude. I have juvenile woodpeckers, including Northern Flickers, Downy woodpeckers, as well as a Hairy woodpecker.
This means that I’m putting food into the feeders on a daily basis right now. Come fall, I won’t have to. There won’t be as many birds and they won’t be going through it as fast.
Birds are messy. Which means bird poop. I’m always careful, but I still am dealing with bird poop on a daily basis right now.
The next part is the lovely little cat. For the first ten years or so, I counted myself very lucky. It would generally be three to six months between times when she’d vomit.
Now, I’m lucky to go three days. She over grooms. Started as a nervous habit, but now it’s just a habit. Which means regular hairballs. Have tried a couple of supplements to help with that, but nothing’s worked.
Which means that in the next part of my glamorous life, I’m dealing with cat vomit on a regular basis.
Then there was last night. We’re having a party this weekend. Because July was kind of shitty, we didn’t walk the trails on the property as often. Last night I spent a good chunk of the evening cutting blackberry brambles away from the path so people can walk on it again.
However, mixed in with all the blackberry bramble is a bunch of stinging nettle. Brushed each arm against it before the end of the evening. And of course, we didn’t have any calamine lotion in the house, so I ended up driving into town to get some. And then, with my funky body chemistry, it did nothing for me. Luckily, I have a steroid cream that’s left over from a different skin ailment, and it did wonders.
So this is my glamorous life – bird poop, kitty vomit, and that burning sensation you get from nettles.
Next week, I get to empty the solids container for my composting toilet! Excitement galore!
I hope you are looking forward to your weekend. What are your exciting plans?