Had a lovely South Sound writer’s lunch yesterday. Not as many people showed up, so we were able to talk more. It was awesome. If you’re in the area, south of Seattle, and would like to join us, let us know!
We’ve had nice weather the last few days, so I’ve been mowing. Supposedly the rain starts next week. We’ll see. It feels as though the weather forecast has been wrong every day for a while now. It keeps predicting rain but then it never comes. Which has been fabulous, BTW.
I’ve taken over mowing on the property this year, mainly in order to get in more steps. The result is that I’m mowing much more often than Blaze ever did. Partly it’s so that I’ll walk more. Partly, though, it’s an experiment – the thought being that more mowing will, in the long run, give us more grass.
We do not have a monoculture lawn, such as it were. There’s grass, sure. But also plantains, clover, blackberry, dandelions, daisies, thistles, oregano, nettles, foxglove, and other stuffff. Early this spring I didn’t mow certain areas because of the forget-me-nots. Right now, there are large islands that I mow around for the daisies and the foxglove.
However, the theory is that in the areas I mow, the grass will take over more. We know that happens in the areas where there was once just blackberry bramble. If you push the bramble back and keep it mowed, the grass will take over. I’m just expanding that to everywhere else. We’ll see what happens.
I do like the look of the lawn mowed more often. And I am getting in lots of steps.
The novel appears to be moving forward a bit better. I didn’t get in a lot of words yesterday for several reasons. I had a kitty who needed a lap and BOTH hands for petting. We didn’t have as much time to write as we were meeting a friend before lunch. But also, I spent time figuring out what the next few scenes were in the novel.
In the novel proposal that I wrote, I had events occurring in a specific order. However, that order doesn’t make sense with the novel as I’m writing it. So I needed to think about it, reverse the order of some things, and now I have a really good idea of what the next few chapters will entail. My hope is that this morning, as well as the next few mornings, I’m going to be able to just sit down and write,
Speaking of such…time to get to the fiction!
Do you have anything growing this year that was unexpected? There’s one area where I haven’t been mowing that we have these lovely white puffballs coming up now. No idea what they are. Will try to identify them after they blossom.