Last week wasn’t a good week when it came to exercise. I had several meh days. Plus I had the day of weird urges when I overate, and this weekend, when I had a lot to drink.

However, the scale still shows I’m losing weight. YAY!

I was honestly a little shocked this morning. Took one look at the numbers and said, “That can’t be right.” But it is, and I’m pleased by that.

I spent the weekend camping with Blaze and Laura Anne at Potlatch State Park. Both Blaze and I agree that it was one of the more pleasant camping experiences that we’ve had. The park itself was okay. Because we need to be someplace where we have power, we give up some level of privacy. The park felt crowded, though. But the company we shared was lovely.

This year, we’re going camping once a month every month this summer. Maybe next year I’ll figure out how to get us out more often. We’ll see.

I finished the most current novel while I was there, did edits on a short story and a novel, and started a short story that I’ll finish today.

Tomorrow I start the next novel, which I’m kind of excited about. It’s the continuation of a short story that I wrote some time ago, called, “The Alchemy of Coffee.” It’s from the POV of a young woman who has no magic in a world where everyone else has magic. What I keep going back to is what if a modern day person couldn’t use electricity? It’s available, everyone else can just flip a switch and turn on the lights, and she can’t.

I still haven’t started my period yet. I get cramps, and it feels as though it’s going to start at any time now. These very fun symptoms have been going on for about a week now. Saturday, those symptoms mostly disappeared. Yesterday, they were back in full force, though today they’re more mild again.

This is supposedly the period where I have more than one. I’m wondering if my body is just going through the motions without my cycle actually starting. My last period was May 12, so a bit over six weeks ago. Based on other symptoms, I actually believe that it’s only about one week late at this point. But we’ll see what happens.

And I think that’s it for me this morning! I’ll try to get to the library later today and post some pictures.

Do you have a favorite campground? Extra points if it’s in WA or OR! I remember camping a lot with my parents at North Star campground in northern MN. Lots of fond memories of that place as well.