Normally, in every cycle, I’ll have a Bad Day, or two, or four, before my period starts. In the bad old days, those would be migraine days. In recent memory, they’re just awful days, when I am headachy, can’t think, can’t focus, can’t write, and just in general, feel bad.
In March and April, I had four of these days. Prior to that, it was generally just one or two days.
This month, because I was hardcore keto for most of April, instead of having days that are Not Good, I’m having merely Meh days.
For the last two days I’ve had all the symptoms of a bad day, and so technically, I’m calling them bad days. However, on a scale of one to ten, with ten being just shoot me now, they were down on the one-two scale of badness.
Therefore, Days of Meh.
Today is a much better day. That’s what happened in both March and April – two bad days, followed by a good day, followed by a couple more bad days. No idea what will happen this month.
While I’d prefer to always have good days, I’ll take days of meh. I’ve been able to write the last couple of days, and I’ve been mostly functional, despite not feeling great.
I’m so ready for this all to be over, that’s for damned sure.
I’ve been fasting every morning. Basically, wake up and have tea with nothing in it, and don’t eat my first meal until noonish. That has helped. I’ve felt better on the days I do that. It means I work harder to get all the fat that I need to eat for the day, but it seems to be working at this point.
ION – Thank you to everyone who participated in the BOGO! I hope my books help. The bundle is still going, but it will also be gone soon.
We’re kind of going camping this weekend – going to pull the trailer into a friend’s yard and “camp” there tonight. It’s kind of a dry run to make sure we have everything still, make sure it all works. First official camping trip is already planned for June, and I still need to schedule one for July and August.
And I think that’s it for the day from me. I have a lot to do and I’d like to get some words in. I hope that you’re looking forward to a wonderful weekend.