Yeah, this topic keeps coming back up, again and again. Still figuring it out for myself. Thank you for putting up with my struggles.
Yesterday was my day when I chose not to be compliant, when I wasn’t hardcore keto. It was awesome. I put honey in my coffee in the morning, put raisins and coconut flakes into my salad, and then, oh my.
I had bought those mini cupcakes made by Olivia Super Free, that were vegan as well as gluten, soy, rice, and corn free. Chocolate cake with raspberry frosting.
Cut one in half yesterday afternoon, made myself a cup of tea, then just sat there and ate it with relish, drinking my tea and playing games on my phone. It was thirty minutes of sheer indulgence. OMG did I need it. Lovely.
For dinner, we went out to sushi, and I had inari for dessert. Honestly, was sooooo good. I hadn’t had inari for quite sometime.
The good news is that I do not have a sugar hangover this morning. Had kind of been expecting it. But while I don’t feel great (hormones) I don’t feel awful either.
As for productivity – I had been making good progress using my productivity planner. However, it’s kind of stopped working for me. I think I know why.
It’s set up for a five day workweek. Which is awesome, but that’s not generally what I work. For example, next week is a short week as I’m going to Vegas for the Mystery workshop. I find myself hesitant to write in the planner because I won’t use up all the days.
So there are either too many days or too few.
It makes me wonder if I just need a notebook where I can write down the things I need to do for a day or a week.
One of the best things that the planner made me do was to figure out what were the most important tasks for the week. Then choose a single important task every day, two items that were less important, and then three that were even less important. That kind of structure worked well for me.
The most foreign part of all of it was the initial planning, the figuring out what was most important for a week. That was also, potentially, one of the best things I could do. If nothing else, I need to do that every week.
I’m going to try planning out the rest of this week and next week, with the knowledge that I’m leaving for Vegas. Because my first inclination is to just punt it all until I got back. But I have several days of work between now and then. I would like to start feeling good about what I do again.
What is your favorite productivity hack? What works best for you? Not necessarily what makes you more productive, but what makes you feel good about what you do?