Had a good day yesterday. 2500 of fiction. Am so close to 15K for the week! Am going to try to do that today; however, today isn’t a good day. Got poisoned last night when we went out to dinner (cross contamination with something – started breaking out in hives once we got home, which means eggs.) Plus I figure my period is going to start any minute now.
Today, there will be more construction. The guys finished plaining and smoothing out the easement. It’s SO NICE NOW.
One of our neighbors is a general contractor. He builds custom homes. He came over to talk with the guys, see what they were doing. He then volunteered to pay for the asphalt gravel for the easement for the woman who lives above us. (His church takes care of her frequently, cutting up wood for her wood burning stove once or twice a year, brings feed for her critters, etc.)
So both sides of the driveway are going to be semi-paved, which is awesome.
Our neighbor was also so impressed with the guys that we’d hired that he’d like to hire them to do excavation for a couple of houses for him. (His own guy is overbooked and also slowing down, as he’s getting ready for retirement.)
This is how the world is supposed to work. The guys we hired are just starting out, and hungry. We’d like to get them as much work as we can, as they’ve been taking such good care of us and doing such an excellent job.
And I think that’s it from me for today. I have so little brain. One of the things I joke about is, “Release the subconscious!” (Said in the same manner as, “Release the Kraken!”) I believe I know what I have to write, I just have to find the focus in order to do it. Because on a day like today, I can’t focus. Words are hard. Even though the ideas are there.
I hope that you’re having a nice relaxing Sunday.