So starts day two of no power out at the property. No idea when we’ll have power again. Figuring at least one more day, maybe two.
Fortunately, there are places in town that have power, and we have memberships with the gym, so we have access to showers. I’m still not 100% well, but I’m better. I spent a little bit of time on the mat this morning, doing a little bit of yoga and some stretching, then I finally got to get CLEAN. Now, we’re at Starbucks for the morning, both of us writing.
There are huge swaths of people without power around here. Lot of people at the gym didn’t have power. Which is why we figure it will be a while before we get power again.
Last night we read on our kindles with the fire going in the wood stove. It throws out a lot of heat, so we’re pretty warm out in the living room. Kitty is not happy with all of this, wants there to be heat in her butt warmer. That might be what we do tonight as well.
Didn’t write yesterday due to MOAR Adventures, but plan on finishing this up and starting the fiction soon. I have spent a lot of time thinking about the story still, so am eager to get back to it.
Only other quick note – the Fantastic Detectives bundle is still available! Be sure to pick yours up today.