I took both Friday and Saturday off from the business side of things for the most part. I relaxed, crocheted, and listened to podcasts. I did a few things that could be considered business, like I answered some time critical emails on Friday, and I went to the Seattle Writer’s Lunch on Saturday and we talked business, but those don’t really count.
I hadn’t realized just how much I *needed* that time off. I was tired, not so much physically but mentally. I needed that break. I honestly don’t remember the last time I took a break like that, when I wasn’t forced to take time away from the business because I was sick.
My sweetie and I were talking about it Saturday night, him asking what was different now, why I needed the break.
In October, I had about eight bad days, total, in two sets of four. About the same in November, and I’m anticipating the same in December, starting any time now.
However, because of the Keto diet, my bad days are generally no where near as bad as they used to be. Instead of having four bad days where I can’t do anything, I’ll have one, maybe one and a half. The rest of the time, though I may not feel great, I’m still able to work.
So I keep working.
This is a habit from when I had the migraines. I had to keep working no matter how I felt. I was never certain when I’d be well enough to work again. I certainly couldn’t wait until I felt “good” as that rarely if ever happened.
So suddenly, I’m well. I’m feeling well enough to work most days. I can’t just keep working though. I need to take breaks.
My husband was trying to get me to change my language, how I talked about taking a break. And he’s right, but he’s not.
I never say that I have to write. I always say that I *get* to write.
That’s what it feels like. Even on the days when it’s more difficult to write because of what I’m writing about. I get to write.
I get to take days off…doesn’t work as well for me. “I’m well enough that I have to take days off” works better. I have to take days off, I’m required to take days off, not I get to.
I don’t know. I’ll keep working on it.
This morning, I start the last story of this book. This novel is being told in a series of “short” stories, each about 10K long, each from the POV of a different character. The stories are sequential, moving a single long story arc along.
I have had so much fun with this! I used this technique before with the previous novel set in this universe, “The Immortals’ War”. I don’t want to say for certain that this is how all novels in this universe will be told, but that might turn out to be the case.
“The Immortals’ War” is set in Hualien City, Taiwan, current day. (Yes, it’s Chinese urban fantasy.) The book I’m working on, “Huli Interstellar: Origins” (how’s that for a working title that I just made up?) is set about 200 years in the future. I have a trilogy planned that will take place 2000 years in the future.
So we’ll see. I’m having fun, and quite frankly, that’s one of the most important things about writing.
I hope that you’re Monday is going well! Tell me about the mental breaks that you’ve been taking, whether you get to or you have to.