So of course, after having several good days in a row, I get hit with a bad one, out of the blue. Woke up with a massive headache this morning. This is as close to a migraine as I get these days. Though if it lingers, there’s a chance it will transform into a migraine. We’ll see.

It’s frustrating when this happens, particularly when, as far as I can tell, I didn’t do anything to cause this. I ate at home, and all good food. I ate enough food, and enough fat. I drank enough water. I did try a new brand of pork rinds, but this doesn’t really feel like a food headache. I walked at least 5000 steps. I stretched.

This might be the ‘2-3 days before my period starts’ day. Though it doesn’t really feel like that either, as all I have is this stupid headache. I don’t feel bad in general, as I usually do on those days. Then again, possibly this is what these days feel like when I’m in ketosis. I’m also not fighting as much for words as I generally would be.

So I don’t know what made the wheel turn so sharply. Am taking care of myself and hoping that the headache evaporates sooner rather than later.

Yesterday, I dismantled a pumpkin. Scooped out the seeds (which I’ll bake either today or tomorrow), cut it to pieces, peeled off the skin, then shredded most of it. Ended up with between seven to eight cups of pumpkin. Most of that went into the freezer in vacu-seal bags, so I’ll be able to make desserts with real pumpkin for both Thanksgiving and Christmas.

That remaining part? I’ll eat myself. Though I don’t eat grain anymore, I do sometimes get a hankering for hot cereal, particularly on cold mornings. A bit of steamed pumpkin, with chopped walnuts, butter, coconut milk, and a touch of brown sugar just hits the spot.

Not really keto, but I deliberately eat more carbs one day per week. That’s generally on Wednesdays, when we go out to eat sushi. Of all the grains, rice is the least offensive to me, so I’ll have a roll. I’ll also get a half a glass of really good wine at Ristretto’s, the coffeeshop that we go write at on Wednesday nights.

(We go out to sushi regularly because, as part of my diet, I try to eat fatty fish at least once a week. I have never managed to buy and cook fish on a weekly basis, though I’ve tried multiple times.)

I guess that’s it from me for now. I’m going to try to write some fiction. My goal is at least 500 words this morning, though I’m hoping for a couple thousand.

I hope that your Sunday is going swimmingly!