I’m kind of on vacation for the next few days. Flew down to Las Vegas to see friends.
And to eat.
My friend has similar allergies to mine, and she’s found some marvelous places where she can eat, which means they’re going to have something that I can eat as well.
That part has been lovely. I missed her, and them.
Yesterday was a difficult day physically for me. The night before I left, I woke up with night sweats around midnight. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get my core body temperature to regulate, or even really to lower, until around 9 AM, just as I was boarding.
That meant that even though I was dressed for Vegas, in very light weight cotton pants, sandals, and a T-shirt, any physical activity meant I overheated immediately. And I’m carrying a heavy backpack and doing a lot of walking and sweating. A Lot. As well as feeling lightheaded and weak.
I pushed through and collapsed at my gate and talked with a friend on the phone and got myself more centered. Lots of deep breaths.
While flying, I finished a short story, about 2000 words. Which, yay. I have three that I should write this week, before I start the next novel.
This morning, I get to start a new short story.
I’ve had a very slow roll into the morning, though. Some mornings are just more difficult than others. I did yoga, I did some publishing work, I even scrolled through a little bit of Facebook, looking at what the world was up to.
I’m finally ready, after about two hours. I finally have words again.
On the one hand, I’m frustrated that I couldn’t write when I first got up. I followed my normal routine, showered, did yoga, made tea, and started this blog post. After just a few sentences, I gave up. These just wasn’t brain. Words were impossible.
On the other hand, I am so grateful that I’m ready now. That I have enough learning, tips, and techniques, that I’m able to fight my way through the fog.
As always, I want to acknowledge just how rich I am, mainly because I have time. I could take two hours to get myself back to “normal” as it were.
That’s what rich is, BTW. I don’t have all the money in the world. Lots of things I can’t do because we don’t have the cash. However, I have more time than most people. I work for myself and not for anyone else. Now, mind you, I’m a pretty hard taskmaster. I have high expectations of myself. I still try to be gentle with myself, particularly on mornings like this one.
I am also blessed with a fantastic, supportive spouse/partner, as well as good friends.
I hope your day goes well, is as stress-free as possible, and that you have a few moments to yourself to just breathe.