What’s on my mind?
We had seven yards of dirt delivered. My sweetie has been doing the lion’s share of the work, but I’ve been moving the dirt as well.
The basic drill: Load up the little wagon with dirt, drag it over to the side yard, dump it out, smooth it around, repeat.
The land on the property is primarily glacial till, which is primarily rocks and sand. We joke about how well my husband grows rocks. As you walk around the land, it pushes the rocks up. So you can remove the stones, and in six months, just as many will have risen up again.
Because I wanted a real backyard with grass, we put a couple feet of dirt over the till. It doesn’t mean the rocks won’t rise up and push their way through, but it will take a while. And there won’t be a complete carpet of rocks like it is currently.
At some future date I’ll probably put down some pavers for the chairs and table I’ll have in the yard.
And now – pictures!

Seven yards of dirt!

Dirt next to the wagon.

Dumping out the dirt onto the platform.
