I try to publish something on the 21st of every month, in order to keep up with the Amazon pulse.

Recently, I’ve only been publishing short stories, or novellas. I haven’t had the brain to concentrate and write novels, what with building the tiny house, packing up and moving my city house, incorporating the business, my husband retiring, etc. (Yeah, just a few things going on…)

Later this year, I’ll start writing and publishing novels again. I have an already complete trilogy that’s at the copyeditor right now.

But at this point, it’s all shortish stories. I realized that I’ve published three superhero stories recently, so I figured I’d do a post on those.

“The Glass Girl” – Originally published in the anthology, “Fiction River, Editor’s Choice”. It’s a story about a Japanese teenager who turns into glass. I love this story. It’s manga inspired and, as the review said, surprisingly deep.

“Bamboo and Pine” – Originally published in the anthology, “Sins of the Fathers.” This is a chop-socky story (think Hong Kong cinema, with lots of wire work and people fighting at the tops of trees.)

“Golden Light” – Originally published in the anthology, “Hiding Behind the Cowl.” This is a more modern superhero origin story.

They’re all available at your favorite local retailers. Enjoy!