I’ve been on a ketogenic diet for about four months now. This month, I’ve had one migraine (caused by not enough sleep) and one severe headache (caused by eating something I’m allergic to).

I feel as though when I have a migraine or a headache, I can immediately point to the cause. As opposed to previously, when any little stressor would trigger me. (Oh! I have a hangnail! I should have a migraine!)

I truly feel as though I have my life back, finally, after about two years of chronic migraines.

So now we come to pacing.

I tend to be a “go like hell” kinda gal. However, because of the migraines, I was forced to take rest days.

Suddenly, there are no more migraines. No more severe headache days. I’ve been going like hell full time.

Until, like this past week, I hit a wall. I was so physically exhausted I couldn’t even write. There were no words. I had to take a day off and not do physical activity.

I’m currently in the process of doing a lot of work out here at the property. It’s summertime. There’s always work to do. For example, this weekend we re-roofed part of the pump house, finished wiring another house, rebuilt a loft, etc.

I’ve never been good at taking breaks. In my family, while I was growing up, you worked until A) the project was done, B) it was a meal time C) it was late enough at night to quit for the day. There were no breaks. We also didn’t stop and take a long lunch–just long enough to eat, then start again.

Then, for years, I had an undiagnosed thyroid issue. I would go like hell until I got sick, which happened like clockwork every 4-6 weeks. I would come down with what I termed an exhaustion cold–very mild cold symptoms and completely exhausted. I would sleep for two-three days, then be back on my feet again, going hard. (As I wasn’t doing the sort of work I’m doing now, it made no sense for me to get so exhausted. But looking back, I realize I was almost always tired.)

My sweetie has been kind of awesome about me resting. He wants me to take at least one day “off” per week. Maybe just write all day, or something. He also takes at least an hour-long lunch break when we eat, which has shown me that it’s okay. (Still kind of weirds me out.)

So I’m learning how to better pace myself, and not just go until I drive myself into utter exhaustion. It’s a process. It’s going to take some time for me to learn to not just go like hell.

But speaking of which…it is that time again.