So another week and our intrepid traveler is continuing down the road of a specific ketogenic diet (Wahls Paleo Plus), which means high fat, medium protein, low carb. In addition, she’s still doing without eggs, dairy, or nightshades.

One of the things that I continue to notice is that I feel better and better. There was something in my diet that was blocking the other meds I was taking. Everything else that I take is now working so much better, is being more effective.

Which made me fall into the classic problem of, if I’m doing so much better, I don’t need those other meds, right?


I had three migraines last week because I’d stopped taking other meds. The first day I knew what was going on. The second and third days I was stubborn about it. I could force myself to feel better without those meds. Right?

By the start of the fourth day, I realized I was no longer stable. Not in the least. Anything and everything was likely to trigger a migraine. I’ve been there before: any amount of stress, like bad traffic, bad news, or even a bloody hangnail would trigger a migraine.

I had to get myself out of that danger zone FAST.

Went back to full dosage on everything Thursday afternoon. Today, Sunday, I’m finally mostly stable again.

While on the one hand, I would like to take less pills and such, on the other hand, I need to step down slowly and not go cold-turkey on a number of key items. Or possibly, even though I feel so much better, I still need to take the full dosage of everything.

Not going to try to change anything this week. The danger time (the start of my cycle) looms. We’ll see how it goes this week.

Wish me luck! (And less stubbornness/stupidity…)

And BTW – the 2017 Write Stuff bundle is still available…