The 2017 Write Stuff Bundle!
Woo AND Hoo!
Yet again, Kristine Kathryn Rusch has put together a fantastic bundle of writing guides to help you take your craft to the next level! This year’s bundle has everything from how to get your mind into the game, how to better play the game, and once you’ve finished with your work, how better to format it and market it!
And yes, it contains one of my Business for Breakfast books: The Intermediate Professional Storyteller.
This bundle is priced in tiers: pay one price, and get a few books. Pay a higher price, and get more books.
PLUS an online lecture about the master plot formula. TRUST ME ON THIS ONE. If you don’t understand the seven-point plot structure, you need this.
PLUS a coupon for money off of one of the formatting programs for turning your document into an ebook, Jutoh.
PLUS, on top of all that, 80% off Writer’s Cafe!, a powerful set of writer’s tools to accelerate your novel or screenplay process.
Not only that, but you can choose to contribute a portion of payment to a great cause: AbleGamers. AbleGamers, helps people with disabilities enjoy the imaginary worlds of video games. The organization provides one-on-one assistance to help people with a variety of disabilities join the lively interactive world of gaming, easing the social isolation that being disabled can bring.
But like all good things, this bundle will come to an end soon.
Go get yours today!