Wednesday of this last week, I had an appointment downtown. Generally, I try to schedule my appointments for the afternoon, so I can still writing in the morning. On Wednesday, no such luck.

But I felt good Wednesday morning. I had brain power. I knew what the next scene was.

I really wanted to write. However, I had no time.

At that point, I challenged myself. I was going to write regardless.

I had fifteen minutes before I had to leave for the bus. I got out my laptop and told myself I had to write at least 100 words before I left. I could do that, right?

And I did.

It was completely unsatisfying. I wanted, craved more.

So I packed up my laptop, headed down to the bus stop. Then I squatted down, wrote another 150 words before the bus showed up.

Still not satisfied.

However, it was an older bus. Bad shocks. Couldn’t really type.

Got out my phone. Kept writing.

On the bus down to my appointment, while waiting for my appointment, then both waiting for the bus back and riding it, I managed to write 657 words.

All together, I did a little over 1200 words that morning. Then I had to stop because I had no idea what the next scene was, and this is a piece that kind of moves slowly. Unfolding, as it were.

However, I’m really proud of myself that I managed that much. That I could, indeed write anywhere.

I didn’t write Saturday of this week. I had a massive migraine for most of the day, and just no brain power. I generally don’t write on Saturdays anyway. Still, wrote every other day, and made my weekly word count, which yay!

Point the second:

I’m in a new bundle! Fantasy in the city!


This one is TOTALLY different than the other bundles I’ve been in. It’s all short stories instead of novels.

For the one low price of $2.99, you get 10 short stories.

For $3.99, you get 20 short stories.

Yes. Twenty.

And these aren’t just any writers. These are some of the most kick-ass writers I know. Like Valerie Brooks. Brigid Collis. Dayle Dermatis. Lisa Silverthorn. Rebecca Sense. T Thorn Coyle. And more.

Seriously. I’m thrilled to be part of this bundle, honored and pleased.

Like all good things though, this bundle won’t last forever. So go! Get yours today!

(And might there be a BOGO in store for those of you who partake? Check back next week!)