Fire in fireplace

That was my first fire in my fireplace, when I bought this house, back in 2011.

Earlier today, I passed the 400,000 word mark. All salable words.

On the one hand, I missed my goal of 600,000 words by quite a bit.

On the other hand, 400,000 words in a year doesn’t completely suck.

Tomorrow, I will write another 2000 words (at least) on the current story. (It’s about that alien plant and the farmer’s dilemma, though the current title of the story is, “The Grasping Vines of Summer.”)

For 2016, my goal is 500,000 words. Without getting stressed out about it, but having fun while doing it.

2×5 is going to be my key phrase–two thousand words a day, five days a week. Basically, 10,000 words a week, on average.

This means some weeks will have more than that. Other weeks will have less. I just have to keep aiming for that target.

A lot of my fitness goals fell by the wayside the second half of the year during 2015. (Chronic migraines will do that. December’s been really rough.) I’m adjusting some things and am hoping that January and 2016 will be better healthwise.

Therefore, my only fitness goal for 2016 is to maintain my 10,000 steps per day. Which I actually do most days. I may adjust and add more goals later in the year if my health is better.

I’ll be attending MidAmerican Con 2, as well as Orycon next year. I’ll only be bar-conning at Norwescon again.

The only other big change I’m making is to get back to meditating. In 2013 I’d started meditating in January, only doing two minutes a day. I’d worked my way up to 15 minutes a day by June. Then I met my sweetie, and my life and schedule and everything changed. But I want to get back to it. I figure it will help with my migraines as well as everything else.

I have other publishing goals, things I want to do. Will be publishing another new writer after the start of the year. And taking on more clients (I do ebook formatting, print book formatting, and covers. More information here.) 

As well as the print workshop. (Spaces still available! More information here.)

I should hopefully have the cover workshop running by midyear.

2015 was a great year, in unexpected and surprising ways.

I’m hoping 2016 will be even better.