I kept Kiera in the bathroom when I first brought her home. She hid from me under the bathtub for the first couple of days.

I kept Kiera in the bathroom when I first brought her home. She hid from me under the bathtub for the first couple of days.

Eight years ago today, I brought my kitty Kiera home from a no-kill cat shelter. They guestamated she was about one-and-a-half years old at that point. They’d given her the name Little Miss. She’d been abandoned in an apartment by the people who had owned her before me.

Kiera early days

Kiera early days

It took over a year for her to really trust me. She’s still afraid of my feet, but not as freaked out by them as she once was. She still likes to play, and races around my house like a crazy thing on a daily basis.

The princess laying in front of her castle with her sparkly balls.

The princess with her sparkly balls.

She’s my constant companion, hanging out with me much of the day, as well as curled up against me purring all night. She’s really only my cat–she barely tolerates anyone else, though she has warmed up to a few people. Then again, there are still days when she barely tolerates me.

The Olympics of Sleep - Twisted back lunge

The Olympics of Sleep – Twisted back lunge

So here’s to you my Little Miss, my purring companion. The last eight years have been fabulous. Let’s go at least another eight.

The princess in her castle

The princess in her castle

Of course, she still sometimes sleeps with one eye open...

Of course, she still sometimes sleeps with one eye open…