I love the Lord of the Rings movies. They weren’t the books. I enjoyed them for the immersive movies that they were. Just before Christmas, while I was so sick, I re-watched all three movies (also to get me in the mood for The Hobbit.)

I’ve been thinking a lot about how, while I love being on my own and have certainly been successful at it, this is the year when I start getting help with all that I do.

Frodo wouldn’t have gotten very far without his Sam. And while Sam couldn’t carry the burden of the ring, he could carry Frodo (yes, that moment still makes me verklempt.)

However, I’m not looking for a single person, but more like a team of individuals. Looking for my Sams, maybe.

For example, I got a membership to a gym that’s four blocks from my house. It’s a smaller gym, and I’ve already met the owner. We have a deal going, where I’m going in at the same time, twice a week, and he should expect me. I’m making going to the gym a social commitment, and the owner has my permission to give me shit if I don’t show up.

I’m looking into getting help with some of the publishing. I’m looking at some level of marketing. I’m going to ask for help with the audio books. Etc.

I’m also, officially, on the market, as it were. I’ve kind of, sort of, been dating. But it hasn’t been a priority, so nothing’s really happened. This year, I’m taking an active interest in meeting and dating people. I’m trying to approach it as a series of adventures, instead of OMG dreading it. Plus, good story fodder, right?

And now, back to the writing.

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