Happy New Year to those who celebrate this time of year.

Me — I went to a wonderful New Year’s party. Hopefully made some new friends. Had a very good time.

I also have good news! Talk about starting the year right. I sold a short story to an anthology (Bewere the Night — a collection of were-tales.) More details when I know them.

As for the current novel: I miscounted the first day I went back to my old process. I only wrote about 2000 words that day. But the I did another 2000 words yesterday, and actually closer to 2500 words today.

I cannot describe how good it feels to no longer be stuck.

My plan right now is to finish this novel using the old process (hand write a couple of chapters then type up.) Then I’m going to let this novel sit for a good long time. At least 3 months while I write up the next one. Possibly longer.

At that point hopefully I’ll have some perspective on it, and will be able to clearly decide whether or not I have to redraft the first 3-4 chapters or if I can fix them without such drastic measures. As well as possibly the last chapter I wrote on the computer (chapter 9.) I think the other chapters are okay. Or at least that’s my gut feeling for now.

Obviously I didn’t finish this novel by the end of 2010. I hope I can keep up this push and finish it before too much of 2011 goes by.