The root canal went much better than I anticipated, which makes me really happy. I haven’t come down with an infection (and since it’s been a couple of days, I’m really hoping that I won’t, that I won’t have to go get antibiotics.) I’m also mostly out of pain. I took one prescription pain pill the first night, to help me sleep as much as anything else. But honestly, I haven’t been in that much pain. And the dentist did a *fabulous* job.
As for the writing, well, I’d planned on finishing up chapter 10 on Wednesday morning. However, I ran into this thing, and realized that I needed to go back and change every chapter up to chapter 10. This is “hidden” work, as it were. It shows a little in the word count (I’ve added 1100 words or so since the 11th — word count now stands at 101,853.) I did finally finish chapter 10 this afternoon. However, most of the work that I’ve done this week hasn’t been for it — it’s been combing and adding and pruning the rest of the novel.
Don’t get me wrong, I know that I’m doing the right thing to be going back at this point and adding these details — it’s making the world much more real and solid. It’s also frustrating, though, because every time I think I’m making steady, forward progress I run into something like this and I have to stop and go back for a while. This always happens to me, though. Maybe I should just accept it as part of my process. *G*
The other good news — working so hard and being so focused for the day job has retrained me. It was relatively easy for me to work on the novel non-stop today, from about 9 AM until about 2 PM. I also think that I’ve really been wanting to work on the novel for a while and haven’t been able to.
Now — I need to do some shopping (shopping!) As well as go take a walk — if not a long walk, at least a short one. I’ll see how I feel in the morning, but I’m thinking that I should be able to do a training walk tomorrow morning.
Hope ya’ll are having a wonderful weekend!