difrancis tagged me, and so, now that I am fortified with my nap, I shall comply.

Rule of the game: Once you’ve been tagged, go to your journal and type in the subject for Tagged. Tell who has tagged you and then write down the rules. (CTRL + C) Then, tell 6 things about yourself, could be anything [habits/likes/dislikes/etc]. At the end, write who you will tag next. Finally, when you’ll tag someone’s journal, leave a link for them to return to your “Tagged” entry. Remember not to tag the person who has tagged you in the first place.

1. I am asymmetrical. My left side is slightly bigger than my right. My left foot is about half a shoe size larger than my right. According to my physical therapist, my left femur is slightly longer than my right. My left hand is slightly larger than my right, and my optometrist says my left eye is bigger than my right.

2a. My thighs are generally freakishly cold. The rest of me can be sweating but my thighs will still be cool to the touch.

2b. I don’t run a ‘normal’ body temperature of 98.6. Generally, when I’m well, my temperature is between 96 and 97.

3. When I’m sleeping, I can tolerate noise and heat much better than light or cold. I can fall asleep in a dark room with a party going on next door, but I can’t fall asleep in a bright quiet place, like in the sunshine in a park. While I may have difficulty falling asleep if I’m too hot, I won’t wake up if the room goes from cool to warm and I start sweating. However, I cannot fall asleep if I’m too cold. Also, I’ll wake up if I get too cold.

4. My mother nicknamed me “Madam Queen” when I was two years old. Seems that instead of being an impossible two year old, I was freakishly polite. She wondered if somehow I’d been bred to manners, instead of just taught them (yes, she read a lot of science fiction.) The excessive politeness didn’t last, but the name did — my dad still calls me Queenie sometimes.

5. I talk out loud to myself. A lot. I also talk to the cat a lot.

6. I decided not to go out to the movies tonight, but to stay home and write instead. I did a lot today, and I’m exhausted, even after napping. I’m afraid that going out tonight would just make me sick again. However, I am still having popcorn for dinner.

And now to tag tltrent, bridget_coila, and four other people who want to play. You know who you are.

Comments (10)

  1. It’s good you didn’t go. Because Leah? Totally on crack. You’d have had nightmares for weeks. Actually, that’s the first thing Heidi said to me when the movie was over.

    • I’m glad that I made the right decision then! I also figured that the other Leah was on crack — cause I went and checked out the trailers and had difficulty watching those. I really figured the movie would be too much. I’m glad you had fun though!


    • Those were all very interesting points!

      And I’m not really feeling rested today — the kitty was awake a lot last night. But that’s okay. That’s why we have the marvels of caffeine.

      Congrats on finishing your latest project!

      • Ah, yes, caffeine (aka the Balm of Gilead). 🙂

        Thanks for the congrats. Glad to see you’re plowing through this ms. Can’t wait to see what it looks like in final draft!

  2. It’s good you didn’t go. Because Leah? Totally on crack. You’d have had nightmares for weeks. Actually, that’s the first thing Heidi said to me when the movie was over.

    • I’m glad that I made the right decision then! I also figured that the other Leah was on crack — cause I went and checked out the trailers and had difficulty watching those. I really figured the movie would be too much. I’m glad you had fun though!


    • Those were all very interesting points!

      And I’m not really feeling rested today — the kitty was awake a lot last night. But that’s okay. That’s why we have the marvels of caffeine.

      Congrats on finishing your latest project!

      • Ah, yes, caffeine (aka the Balm of Gilead). 🙂

        Thanks for the congrats. Glad to see you’re plowing through this ms. Can’t wait to see what it looks like in final draft!

Comments are closed.